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Exploring Tree-Based Predictive Models with Minitab

Tree-based models are powerful tools for data analysis and predictive modeling. In this blog post, we will explore three popular tree-based methods—CART®, TreeNet®, and Random Forests®—used in Minitab Statistical Software Predictive Analytics Module. We will describe each model's unique features and benefits, and provide practical examples from the manufacturing, oil and gas, and mining industries.

CART® (Classification and Regression Trees)

CART® is the most straightforward of the tree-based models. It uses a single decision tree to split a data set into homogenous child nodes based on a specific criterion. The tree grows until all unsplit nodes become terminal nodes. To prevent overfitting, the tree is pruned using cross-validation or a separate test set to achieve the optimal model.

Application Example: Manufacturing

In manufacturing, CART® can be used to identify defects in a production line. Suppose a factory wants to minimize defects in its assembly process. Using CART® classification, the company can analyze historical data, such as machine settings, operator shifts, and environmental conditions, to determine the factors that most contribute to defects. The result is a simplified decision tree that shows which variables (e.g., machine temperature or operator experience) are most important for quality control, allowing the factory to make informed adjustments and reduce defects.


Random Forests®

Random Forests® is another ensemble method that constructs multiple decision trees and combines their outputs to make predictions that are more accurate. Unlike TreeNet®, where trees are built sequentially, Random Forests® builds trees in parallel. Each tree is grown using a random subset of the data and predictors, which reduces overfitting and increases model stability.

Application Example: Mining

Random Forests® can be used in the mining industry for mineral prospecting. Mining companies often use geological, geochemical, and geophysical data to predict the presence of valuable minerals. By applying Random Forests® regression, a mining company can analyze a large number of variables, such as soil composition, magnetic field strength, and previous drilling results, to predict mineral concentrations in unexplored areas. The multiple trees generated by the model ensure that the prediction is robust and less prone to errors from any single variable, leading to more accurate prospecting.

10 Random Forests®

TreeNet® (Gradient Boosting Machines)

TreeNet® is a more advanced tree-based method that uses gradient boosting to improve prediction accuracy. Instead of relying on a single tree, TreeNet® builds an ensemble of trees sequentially, with each new tree correcting errors made by the previous ones. This process leads to a more robust and accurate model.

Application Example: Oil and Gas

In the oil and gas industry, TreeNet® can help predict equipment failure. Predicting equipment failure is crucial for optimizing maintenance schedules and avoiding costly downtime. By analyzing various predictors such as pressure, temperature, vibration data, and historical maintenance records, TreeNet® can identify patterns that indicate a higher likelihood of equipment failure. The resulting model can predict failure with greater accuracy than a single decision tree, enabling proactive maintenance planning and reducing unexpected breakdowns.

11 TreeNet®

Comparison of Tree-Based Models

  • CART®: Simple, easy to interpret, but less robust. Suitable for exploratory analysis and when the simplicity of results is prioritized.
  • TreeNet®: More accurate and powerful than CART®, thanks to its boosting mechanism. Ideal for scenarios where prediction accuracy is critical, such as equipment failure in the oil and gas sector.
  • Random Forests®: Highly robust due to its ensemble of randomly constructed trees. Best used when dealing with complex data with many variables, like in mineral prospecting in the mining industry.

When to Use Each Model?

  • CART® is suitable when interpretability is key, and the data set has relatively few variables.
  • TreeNet® is ideal for applications where maximizing prediction accuracy is essential and the cost of errors is high.
  • Random Forests® is best when dealing with high-dimensional data with many variables and a need for a model that is both accurate and resistant to overfitting.


Tree-based models in Minitab Statistical Software Predictive Analytics Module provide powerful tools for industries like manufacturing, oil and gas, and mining to make data-driven decisions. Whether you are identifying defects in a production line, predicting equipment failure, or exploring mineral deposits, choosing the right model—CART®, TreeNet®, or Random Forests®—can significantly enhance your analytical capabilities and operational efficiency.

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